It was a smaller attendance at the Samichlaus gathering, but all enjoyed (einen gemuetlichen) afternoon in good company with mulled wine and good food. The children were busy with the competition making Christmas. And there was again a warm welcome for Santa bringing presents for the children and lucky dips for the adults.

Sadly another of our founder members passed away last month. Suzanne Henderson passed away peacefully at the Braeside Home for the Blind just a week after her 90th birthday.
For many years she was the welfare officer for the club. We celebrated many happy events in her home at Frogstone Road West. In the early days we used to celebrate Swiss National Day by going for a walk in the Pentland Hills, before going back to Suzanne's for a simple barbecue, followed with coffee and homebaking, finishing with a 'Sing-song'.
When Hartmanns were away on their travels, Suzanne and George hosted many of the fondue evenings. Eventually the membership got too big for her dining room and we had to find other venues.
We are thankful for these treasured memories.
Please find the Membership Letter on behalf of the FOSSUK committee as a download file.
FOSSUK Membership Letter 2016
Press release about the festivities in Switzerland (German version or French version only).
Video greetings messages for the OSA's centenary. The video with all the messages that were sent in was shown during the jubilee festivities on Bundesplatz. ​
During the festivities and the 94th Congress of the Swiss Abroad, the OSA broadcasted the following contents as a live stream on their page. The recordings are now available here.​​

JULY 2016
The National Day Celebration was held at the Saughtonhall Community Centre - outside at the lovely garden area. Weather, company and food was all good and we spent a nice afternoon together. It was great to welcome a few guests or maybe new members to this event.

MAY 2016
The Federation of Swiss Societies UK (Fossuk) met on the weekend of 20 to 22 May at Edinburgh. On Friday evening we started with a full house of 40 people at the Scottish Poetry Library listening to an "Imaginative Introduction to Edinburgh" by former Edinburgh Poet Laureate Ron Butlin and Swiss-Scottish writer Regi Claire.
On Saturday morning we split up. Many of us went to visit the Scottish Parliament where we were given a guided tour, organised by Honorary Consul Peter Mueller, while the others went on a city bus tour, guided by the president of the Swiss Club Edinburgh Freddie Wyser. In the afternoon we moved to the Balmoral hotel where at 2 pm the Fossuk AGM started. President Loredana Guetg-Wyatt led the meeting efficiently and formal business was concluded in an hour. The AGM was followed by speeches from the Swiss Ambassador to the UK, Dominik Furgler, and two guests from Switzerland, the president of the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad, Remo Gysin and Peter Zimmerli from the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.
The afternoon concluded with a presentation: "Scotland and Switzerland at CERN" by professor Franz Muheim of the University of Edinburgh. The evening started with a reception in the Balmoral offered by the Ambassador with almost 50 participants. As a surprise we were treated to a gig by the young pipers and drummers from the Davidson's Mains & District Pipe Band. The reception was followed by a dinner.
On Sunday morning the group hopped on a coach that drove us to South Queensferry harbour. On the coach Swiss engineer Florian Dieterle informed us about the construction of the new bridge: the Queensferry Crossing, where he is working. The group then boarded the Maid of the Forth and we could enjoy the boat ride under the three bridges and to Inchcolm and back as the weather was very mild an sunny.
After a sandwich lunch from Daniel's Swiss Bakery, with a "Nussgipfel" as dessert, the coach drove us to Rosslyn where the group was given a tour of the legendary Rosslyn chapel with the apprentice pillar. This Fossuk event was very successful, the organisers received many nice comments.
MARCH 2016
For the second time the traditional Fondue Dinner was held at the Saughtonhall Community Centre. The Club was happy to welcome a few new members to this event. We all enjoyed a delicious Fondue and we'd like to thank Freddie for cooking and the Swiss Bakery for supply cheese and bread.

The Annual Dinner of the Swiss Club Edinburgh was held at the Balmoral Hotel in Edinburgh on 29th January 2016. Yet again we were able to enjoy a superb dinner with amazing views of Edinburgh Castle and the lights of the city in front of us. The Dinner was very well attended and people took the opportunity to have a great catch up with each other. We were very appreciative of the kind donation of the wine from our Honorary Consul towards the dinner. An evening with great chat and one to remember.