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The Swiss Club Edinburgh was founded over 50 years ago. Currently the Club has approximately 45 members. The Swiss Club Edinburgh provides an opportunity to meet people, who are Swiss or have a connection to and an interest in Switzerland and live in Edinburgh, Fife, the Borders or the Central Belt of Scotland.


Within the Club we celebrate Swiss events and culture and we are always open to new ideas. It is a place where connections and friendships are made, where you can get information from people who have lived in Scotland for a couple or for many years. The Swiss Club Edinburgh holds 6 to 8 meetings per year from Fondue Evening, National Day Celebration to outings and more, which provide opportunities to meet in a casual way. A "Stammtisch" takes place every first Wednesday of the month. 

Some of the events of the Swiss Club Edinburgh are held at the Saughtonhall Community Centre in Edinburgh.

Please join us for an event, if you are interested, and get to know Swiss people living in Scotland.


Swiss Club Edinburgh | swissclubedinburgh[at]

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  • Swiss Club Edinburgh on Facebook
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